Relationship is Key
Lynne has been working with children for over twenty years, in a variety of settings and in a variety of professional roles. One thing Lynne knows for sure is that regardless of what theories and professional practice you bring to the table, without establishing good relationships with children, your influence and your intervention with them will always be limited. Effective parenting, teaching, nurturing and therapeutic work with children all rely on the power of the connection between the adult and the child.
Over the years Lynne has developed a collection of different rapport building activities that are successfully received by children when she is completing assessments and/or when she is engaging them in more directed therapeutic work. You don’t have to be a Therapist to use these cards; anyone who wants to work on new or existing relationships with children can enjoy these playful ways to interact. All of the Rapport Building Card Sets contain a number of relevant prompt cards, plus some activity suggestions.